Behind the Lens

Behind the Lens

As a kid, I was a writer. A dreamer.

In grade school, I'd create characters based off of my friends and we would act out scenes together. Little did I know that my interest in writing would grow into one of my biggest passions.

I began writing my first novel when I was twelve. It's gone through several revisions over the years and there were a few times I even wondered if I'd ever finish it. The book and its characters grew as I grew. The more I wrote, the more I realized how much words would be a part of my life.

In a lot of ways, words ARE my life.

It wasn't until four years ago that I found another passion: photography. Before, I always thought I would just become an author, maybe write for a magazine.

That all changed the first time I held that camera.

It wasn't an expensive, flashy camera and I really wasn't that great at capturing images. Not at first. But a fire had been lit beneath me.

That fire hasn't gone out these past four years. Really, it could now probably be described more as a raging inferno.

 God has truly had a hand in my life. If it weren't for Him, I wouldn't be so sure of my future. Because of Him, I know who I am and what I want to do with my life. Of course, I still have a way to go. I've got books to publish and a business to build, as well as starting college and becoming an adult. It's definitely going to be an adventure.

And, of course, I always dreamed of adventure.

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