Thursday, June 9, 2011

More Pics to Come...Hopefully, Soon!

  Yeah. I was looking through some of the pictures I've put up on this blog, and I realized I've not updated them in a while. And I have lots of new photos I'd like to show you!

  Seeing that I have a terribly slow computer, though, I'll have to wait until I have some extra time on my hands until I can get those new pictures put up on here. Be patient, my non-existent readers! I shall get them up soon! I hope. If I don't, I give you permission to yell at me. In Italian. Because Italian is awesome. ^_^

Friday, June 3, 2011

Almost Near the End

  It's strange. I started writing my book series nearly 5 years ago and now-- after all this time and effort, editing and re-editing, shaping and re-shaping my characters--I'm almost through with the last book. I suppose I should be jubilant...but, really, I just feel like I won't know what to do once I've written out the last scene. I've been with these characters for ages, grown to love and know them, and pretty soon I'll be done writing their story. I'll no longer have to worry about how they'll survive one day to the next, if they'll develop the way they should be developing...I'll most likely move onto new characters.

  But, in a way, my first characters will always have a special meaning to me. They were there when I first got the idea to start writing a book. They invaded my dreams and helped me power through my writer's block. They even told me what they were going to do when I had a very different idea for them(Zeke and Curran being the most persistent of the lot :).

  Perhaps this sounds strange to those of you who are reading this post that have never before written a book. Maybe you're starting to think I'm a little crazy. Or that it's a good thing I don't speak very often.

  If so, then I have two things to say to you.

One: Sometimes I wonder if I am, in fact, a little crazy*.
Two: Hey!

  I know that I'll be finishing this book within the year. I may be done by the end of summer or it may take me all the way till Christmas to get that last chapter finished, but I know it will get done. I'm looking forward to seeing how everything turns out for each of my characters; I really hope they don't make a mess of it all. Because, of course, I'm just the one doing the writing. They're the ones making the story.

  And when I do end up writing that last word and putting down that last end point, I'll probably sigh gently and read over the last few paragraphs, sadly happy that I've finally managed to get their story told. Then I'll shut down my computer and go to bed--because I most always finish a book at a ridiculously late hour.

  It'll only be in the morning that I'll fully realize I'm through with my last book of the series and that my characters will now be living their lives without me to write it all out.

  And I have no idea what I'll do then.


*Because, really, who gets surprised when a fictional character "decides" to do something you had no idea about? Oh, that's right! Me.*