I'm actually in a photography class with some of my homeschool friends, and every week our teacher gives us an assignment for what kinds of pictures she wants us to take for the week. One of the assignments for this week is a landscape picture, which I love to take. So after getting home from my homeschool group yesterday, I thought I'd head outside and try to get some pictures of a field that is just across from my house.
And this is when the picture frenzy began.
It was not long before I realized that my camera has excellent zooming abilities, and I was so thrilled that I decided to test just how awesome those abilities are. Let me give you an example of one of the pictures I took:
I was standing in the middle of my front yard and I heard a hawk cry out. When I looked up to see where the bird was, I was delighted when I saw it perched atop a tree about 100 yards away from me (I guess about the length of half a football field). So, standing in the same spot, I zoomed in on the hawk...and the pictures came out clear as day! You can even see his eyes!! I was excited I even did a little jig. In my front yard. In freezing weather. Where everyone could see me. And I never do happy dances.
One of the very first pictures I took was of a small house thing in a field that was about a mile away from my house. The picture is so clear, it's as if I was standing right in the field in front of the house, not in my own yard. Awesome? You bet it is!
This picture frenzy went on for about an hour and a half, complete with excited jumping up and down, and exclamations of "Oh, my gosh! This is awesome!" and "Jake, can you believe it?!" Jake is my Brittany Spaniel, and up until yesterday it was nigh on impossible to take pictures of him since he is such a hyper dog. Now all I have to do is stand about ten feet away from him when he doesn't know that I am watching him and snap as many pictures as I please. It sort of makes me feel like a stalker or something, since I have to be all sneaky. :D
All in all, it was a fabulous day. I would say Doug's word, but I believe I've used it in this post even more than Doug himself...Okay, I'll say it anyway: Awesome