Friday, April 8, 2011

A Petition characters??

  So, as I told you in my last post, I am now writing a script (I can't pause to think about that very long or I might just implode). Every week, I am sent a pep-talk from one of the many people that have made this Script Frenzy of April possible. Oh, did I forget to mention that I am trying to write a whole script in the month of April? I actually wrote a whole novel in November, but a script?

  I'm already halfway through. :)

  Anyway, here is this week's pep-talk. I thoroughly enjoyed it because, according to Chris Baty (the man who sent it), this is a letter of petition from my characters. They must be too scared to ask me themselves, since I am a bit crazy from all of the plot-building right now.

1) They would like to wear capes more often. (This one seems negotiable.)

2) They sense that you are starting to struggle with them a little bit, and they swear that by page 30, they will be more interesting (and funnier!). They've really just been finding their footing this first week, and now that they're loosened up, they promise to blow your mind. Razzle-dazzle! Jazz hands! It's all coming your way this week.

3) {Illegible} (Dinosaurs? Binoculars? I can't really read this one.)

4) They would like to hang out with you this weekend. No pressure! And just for 10 pages or so. They say they have a surprise waiting for you.

5) Your main character would like to let you know that the on-set catering company you've hired to feed them puts out deli trays that frequetly skimp on the ham.

6) Your minor characters suggest that if you want to kill someone off this week, it would be MUCH more unexpected and powerful to kill off your main character.

7) The whole cast wants to express the fact that they love you, and that you are pretty much their only hope for playing a part in a completed script, and that playing a part in a completed script is something they've dreamed about since they were kids. Back then, their parents discouraged them from hanging around writers, saying it would lead to nothing but heartbreak. But look at them now! They're in a script that will be completed THIS MONTH! It's such a dream come true, and they can't thank you enough. Again, no pressure.

8) In closing, your main character would like to repeat the point about the ham.

  Signed by: My (demanding) characters.

  Yeah, no pressure there.


  P.S. If you would like to join Screnzy, go to this link: 
  Join the mad writers. We have coffee. ;)

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