Since the weather has been so unbearably hot lately, I've decided to put off the first photo shoot at least until sometime next month in the hopes that it will have cooled down enough for everyone involved in the shoot to not be melting in the sun. Because melting subjects are not pretty subjects. I would assume.
Coming Soon:
Two New Models!!
(Isn't that exciting?!)
Have I made it apparent yet just how happy I am to finally have some solid subjects for my photos? I mean, like, subjects that aren't animals?! Another good thing is that they're actually some friends of mine, so at least it won't be weird during the first shoot. Hopefully. Or maybe it will be, since I'll probably come off as a little bossy by telling them how to stand and to NOT LOOK AT THE CAMERA when I need them not to, and to turn their heads just so...
Well, they'll just have to get over it. At least I'll be bossy in a nice way.
Noticed how I've not mentioned these "models'" names? Well, that's because I want to reveal their names with their photos, just to add a little more suspense for you. HA.
Now, I just need to learn how to drive my dad's '66 Dodge pick-up without wrecking in a ditch*, and I'll be set!
(*Just to make it clear, I have not wrecked said pick-up into a ditch. Yet. But I'll likely need it for the first photo shoot, so it'd probably be good if I could continue to avoid that.)
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