Thursday, November 29, 2012

New Stuff! Whoo!

Notice my shiny new blog header?

I was pretty impressed with myself for making it...until I saw that it isn't quite long enough to go across the whole page. Ah, well. I'll leave it that way for now. ;)

This past week has been full of excitement and anticipation. I've been planning on getting a new camera for a while now, and it was only recently that I was able to actually buy one. I had actually put in an order to Sears, but the order got messed up somehow and we ended up having to cancel it, so I actually had to drive down to get the camera I wanted. Of course, there weren't any stores in my own town that had the one I wanted, but I still had a fun time spending the day with my sister in the city.

The camera. MY GOODNESS. It's like a dream come true. I've spent the whole day getting to know all of its new features, and so far it's all pretty exciting. I have a family photo shoot this coming Saturday, so I am looking forward to shooting with my new lens.

I'm serious when I say that I've spent the whole day getting to know my camera. Here are just a couple of shots of taken today.

  This first one was actually taken last night at about 11 or so. AT NIGHT. Just in case you missed that. ;) I was very impressed at just how sharp everything looks, considering how dark it was at the time. I couldn't even see that well when I took the picture!
Okay, this next one might not look all that impressive to you guys, but this is actually the first ever clear photo I have ever gotten of this dog. She can never stay still enough for me to get a good shot of her--until now! The photo was also taken in medium-shade, and yet you can't even tell. :o

This last one is one of my favorites. Taken in my dim kitchen with a simple kit lens and flash (and really fast shutter speed). I really love how the background is reflected in the water drops.

So there's the sneek peek at my day! :)

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