Big, fat snowflakes the size of silver dollars floated from the sky and it was all I could do not to stare for hours as they fell. It's truly been so long since I've witnessed a good snowfall that I nearly forgot just how beautiful a sight it really is.
It just so happens that I got a new lens yesterday and I've been itching to use it, so I nabbed my chance as Mom and I were about to leave for town earlier. Since we only had a few minutes to spare, I didn't get quite as many photos as I would like but I really do love the ones we ended up capturing.

The snow had just begun to fall around this time. It snowed nearly all day, so our yard is now pretty much covered.
Pretty momma, beautiful as always. I love the bokeh in the background.
Please excuse the yellow buses in the background (*sigh*). I'm still figuring out how to use this lens to its full potential, but so far I'm pretty impressed. f-stop here was a 2.2, I believe, which accounts for the creamy background.
I'm slowly turning my mom into a pretty nifty photographer! She was sweet enough to take some pictures for me.
I absolutely loved the weather today. It's days like these that I really do wonder at God's ability to create such beauty. Have you ever just tilted your head back and watched as snowflakes flurry from above? It really just boggles my mind at how gorgeous something seemingly so simple can be. To me, some of the smallest wonders can be some of God's most wonderful fingerprints upon this earth.
I'm glad I get to enjoy such brilliant days like this. :)
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