Ah, the joys of editing! I've begun to edit my first book so I can start the process of getting it published, and it's going absolutely swimmingly.
Oh, who am I kidding? Editing is terrible. Terrible, I tell you. It makes me want to curl up in a corner and never look at a book again.
Seriously. And I'm only on chapter one.
I finished the cover some days ago, and I am quite pleased with how it turned out. So I thought to myself, "Wow, that went well! Maybe editing the book will go just as easily!"
Nope. Not at all. I think my characters are in a conspiracy to give me as much grief as possible. They are decidedly boring in the first chapter when they should be grabbing the reader's attention and positively shouting, "Hey! Read this book!".
But that's all changing, hopefully, as I edit out all those boring, thoughtless paragraphs and replace them with flowing words that are supposed to be full of action and interest. Slowly but surely, this book is going to be edited.
And once it is finished and beautiful, then I shall begin the process of getting it published. Which, from what I've heard, is a million times worse.
Doesn't that just make you want to become a writer? ;)
In truth, even though a lot of it is full of frustration and worry over how my writing will be received, most of the time writing is my most favorite thing to do. It's a part of me, and I don't think I'll give up just because one particular character has the personality of a slug.
(EDIT: After I saved this post, an ad saying "Self-Publish Your Book!" appeared, and it was from the very site I am using to get published. How awesome is that?)
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Bringing in the New Year
It seems like this past year has passed far too quickly. Wasn't it just yesterday I was applying for my job--which I have now been working at for nearly 9 months? Or didn't my sister have her second baby just a few weeks ago...? But he's already 14 months old.
Which makes me feel old. ;)
In a way, I see the new year as a fresh start, a beginning to what is becoming my new life. I am no longer just a child; I now have to think about which colleges I should look at, which subjects I want to study. I have to start thinking in a long-term way, because a lot of the decisions I make in the next year or so will greatly influence my life in the future. And that's sort of a scary thought, isn't it?
But this year, I have made some resolutions for the first time. Usually, I don't even worry about making them because, to me, I really already have everything I need and I don't feel like I should try to change my appearance or try to make more friends than I already have. But, as I said, the coming years are going to be very hard for me, and I know that I will need some help. A lot of help.
So who better to ask for this help than my Lord? I already depend on Him for so much and I talk to Him daily, but I still want to make my relationship with Him even stronger. You can never be too close to God.
My resolutions this year are simple: I will read my Bible daily; I will praise Him in everything; and I will use my gifts for Him. I actually wrote an article on these for the online magazine I write for. Check it out HERE. This year, I plan on showing God that I want only to get close to Him, and I want Him to be everywhere in my life. Because if I have that strong relationship with my Heavenly Father, then everything I do--every decision I make--will be made with Him.
And if I have Him in my life, then I shouldn't be afraid of what the future holds, because He is the One that is guiding me.
"I will fear no evil, for my God is with me.
And if my God is with me, whom then shall I fear?
Whom then shall I fear?"
Which makes me feel old. ;)
In a way, I see the new year as a fresh start, a beginning to what is becoming my new life. I am no longer just a child; I now have to think about which colleges I should look at, which subjects I want to study. I have to start thinking in a long-term way, because a lot of the decisions I make in the next year or so will greatly influence my life in the future. And that's sort of a scary thought, isn't it?
But this year, I have made some resolutions for the first time. Usually, I don't even worry about making them because, to me, I really already have everything I need and I don't feel like I should try to change my appearance or try to make more friends than I already have. But, as I said, the coming years are going to be very hard for me, and I know that I will need some help. A lot of help.
So who better to ask for this help than my Lord? I already depend on Him for so much and I talk to Him daily, but I still want to make my relationship with Him even stronger. You can never be too close to God.
My resolutions this year are simple: I will read my Bible daily; I will praise Him in everything; and I will use my gifts for Him. I actually wrote an article on these for the online magazine I write for. Check it out HERE. This year, I plan on showing God that I want only to get close to Him, and I want Him to be everywhere in my life. Because if I have that strong relationship with my Heavenly Father, then everything I do--every decision I make--will be made with Him.
And if I have Him in my life, then I shouldn't be afraid of what the future holds, because He is the One that is guiding me.
"I will fear no evil, for my God is with me.
And if my God is with me, whom then shall I fear?
Whom then shall I fear?"
my Lord,
Saturday, December 17, 2011
It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas!
Trees are decorated, lights are up, fires are lit...and everywhere in town is crowded with people. Where do they all come from?! Traffic is absolutely horrifying and nearly every store and restaurant is packed, and Christmas is still a week away!
Maybe all these people are like me and they only go shopping when they realize procrastination is no longer acceptable. I, for one, still have not done any shopping whatsoever, though I think I have an acceptable excuse. I don't think it's wise to go out by myself, especially near a holiday when there are tons of people about.
Also, I hate to drive. ;)
Thankfully, my sister and I are going to spend all day Monday getting our gifts for everyone. We'll see how that goes.
I've not had the opportunity to take many photos recently, though last week I helped out at a benefit concert by taking some pictures for my friend's family, which is a wonderful singing group. I thoroughly enjoyed being there, and I'm so glad I was asked to come! Thank you, Rachel, for having me!
Though I've not been taking pictures lately, I have been sketching quite a lot. I've decided that it's time I kick into gear and get my first book edited and published. And, silly me, I've even decided to make the cover for the book myself. What have I gotten myself into?! I can already tell this is going to be quite a chore.
The cover so far:
I actually figured out how to scan the drawing onto the computer, so at least that's one down! Now I just have to decide how to go about adding the color...which I have never before tried to do. Wish me luck! :)
Maybe all these people are like me and they only go shopping when they realize procrastination is no longer acceptable. I, for one, still have not done any shopping whatsoever, though I think I have an acceptable excuse. I don't think it's wise to go out by myself, especially near a holiday when there are tons of people about.
Also, I hate to drive. ;)
Thankfully, my sister and I are going to spend all day Monday getting our gifts for everyone. We'll see how that goes.
I've not had the opportunity to take many photos recently, though last week I helped out at a benefit concert by taking some pictures for my friend's family, which is a wonderful singing group. I thoroughly enjoyed being there, and I'm so glad I was asked to come! Thank you, Rachel, for having me!
Though I've not been taking pictures lately, I have been sketching quite a lot. I've decided that it's time I kick into gear and get my first book edited and published. And, silly me, I've even decided to make the cover for the book myself. What have I gotten myself into?! I can already tell this is going to be quite a chore.
The cover so far:
I actually figured out how to scan the drawing onto the computer, so at least that's one down! Now I just have to decide how to go about adding the color...which I have never before tried to do. Wish me luck! :)
Monday, December 5, 2011
[Insert Post Title Here]
Not sure what to name this post, so it shall remain like it is.
Winter has finally descended upon us! It's absolutely freezing outside! Thankfully, winter weather is still beautiful in its own unique way.
As you can probably see by this video above, I...well, I guess I'll let the video explain for itself. I'm...not sure how to explain it, other than I was bored. And lonely. And those two combinations do weird things to my mind. Haha. Enjoy.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
November Ends
...and I am still writing!
Both this year and last year, I participated in NaNoWriMo--National Novel Writing Month. Never heard of it? Well, allow me to explain. Every November, thousands of people participate in NaNo by attempting to write a 50k novel. Sounds crazy, right??
Well, yeah. Most of us that participate are a bit crazy. Myself included.
This year, I decided to write a sequel to last year's NaNo, and it's going quite well. I'm loving my main character and the plot is revealing itself to me as I go, so it's pretty fun. I'm one of those writer's that just fly by the seat of her pants (also called "pantsing"). I've honestly tried several times over the past years to plan out my novels with notes, timelines, and character sheets, but it just doesn't work for me. For some reason, I go much better if I just let my characters do the talking.
That especially goes for this year, as my main character is somewhat a ham and can't help but get himself into some pretty strange--and often funny--situations. He's one of my favorite characters to write (shhh! Don't tell the others!).
Since my mother's out of town for the time being, she had to take my notebook computer with her...which just so happens to be my notebook in which I write. At first, I was at a loss of what to do when she left, as the smart drive I have all of my books saved on doesn't work on our main computer, but I finally came across this ancient, dinosaur computer that manages my drive nicely. It's sort of a pain to lug around (I don't like writing at the same spot for too long) but as long as I'm able to write, I'm happy.
Not sure if you noticed, but I changed my blog header! I thought the old one was, well, old and a bit too spring weather-y, so I tried to change the mood of the blog to a bit more autumn feel. Let me know what you think of it! I appreciate feedback.
Another thing I appreciate? Sleep. And I've been failing that class, I think. ;) Best get some shut eye. Goodnight, my friends.
Both this year and last year, I participated in NaNoWriMo--National Novel Writing Month. Never heard of it? Well, allow me to explain. Every November, thousands of people participate in NaNo by attempting to write a 50k novel. Sounds crazy, right??
Well, yeah. Most of us that participate are a bit crazy. Myself included.
This year, I decided to write a sequel to last year's NaNo, and it's going quite well. I'm loving my main character and the plot is revealing itself to me as I go, so it's pretty fun. I'm one of those writer's that just fly by the seat of her pants (also called "pantsing"). I've honestly tried several times over the past years to plan out my novels with notes, timelines, and character sheets, but it just doesn't work for me. For some reason, I go much better if I just let my characters do the talking.
That especially goes for this year, as my main character is somewhat a ham and can't help but get himself into some pretty strange--and often funny--situations. He's one of my favorite characters to write (shhh! Don't tell the others!).
Since my mother's out of town for the time being, she had to take my notebook computer with her...which just so happens to be my notebook in which I write. At first, I was at a loss of what to do when she left, as the smart drive I have all of my books saved on doesn't work on our main computer, but I finally came across this ancient, dinosaur computer that manages my drive nicely. It's sort of a pain to lug around (I don't like writing at the same spot for too long) but as long as I'm able to write, I'm happy.
Not sure if you noticed, but I changed my blog header! I thought the old one was, well, old and a bit too spring weather-y, so I tried to change the mood of the blog to a bit more autumn feel. Let me know what you think of it! I appreciate feedback.
Another thing I appreciate? Sleep. And I've been failing that class, I think. ;) Best get some shut eye. Goodnight, my friends.
Monday, November 21, 2011
A Rainy Day
It's been raining nearly all day, which is the sort of day I love. I love everything about rain.
Another reason I should move to Ireland. I will not give up on this!
Now that the weather is finally starting to act like it should in November, I'm afraid I won't be doing any photo shoots for a little while. I've really been needing to get some pictures taken of my family, but the time has escaped me. My mother will be out of town for a bit, anyway, so I know when she gets back I definitely won't be getting any photos taken of us all. I don't think my parents would be too willing to sit in the snow while I set up my tripod.
So I guess I'll just be spending my liesure time writing. I started a new book a couple of weeks ago (as if I don't already have enough started!), and I'm really enjoying writing this character. He was a secondary character in the last novel I wrote, but now I'm writing the new book in his perspective and he has a very interesting personality. If you're not a writer, you may be thinking I'm a bit crazy by saying that a figment of my imagination has an "interesting personality", but I promise you I'm not! It truly does seem that my characters all have minds of their own.
If that makes me crazy, then so be it. I think all writers must be crazy, anyway, to be able to create and write about so many things.
Speaking of writers, I am really looking forward to The Hunger Games movie coming out in March. The movie's based off the book by the same name (written by Suzanne Collins) and I think it's going to end up being quite popular. At least it should be, since the book series is so popular. Here's a link to the movie trailer.
I think I actually figured out how to make the link all fancy-fied! :O
Well, I suppose that's all for now. This isn't my best post but oh, well. Maybe things will slow down and I'll be functioning properly soon.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Shooting with a couple of Cowboys
So, without further ado, allow me to introduce the models!
Two days of shooting = 270 photos
The first day was with Jared, who's quiet and nice, and he smiled pretty much the whole time.

And the second day was with Logan, the troublemak--I mean...he's nice, too.

This really was a great opportunity for me to see just how a photo shoot would go, and I'm so glad I have friends that will put up with me taking picture after picture of them and bossing them around.
8 hours of editing = some pretty great photos (if I may say so myself ;)
These are just a tiny showing of the pictures I snapped. Like I said, I shot hundreds and the boys are natural hams, so it all worked out. Thanks, guys! You were great subjects!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
The Coolest Web-mag I know!
Okay, so I don't know of any other web magazines besides Lilies Among Thorns. But it's a magazine I write for, along with lots of other great Christian girls, so it should be a pretty great magazine! I definitely think it is, and if you haven't checked it out yet, then head on over to http://www.liliesamongthornsmagazine.blogspot.com/ ! Like us on Facebook!
Our magazine is dedicated to helping young women deal with the thorns of life and to striving to be lilies among those thorns. We write spiritual and inspiration articles to help you through the tough times and lift you up, fun articles to give you ideas for crafts and activities, fashion columns to show you simple and modest outfits to keep ya stylin', and lots more.
Our editor, Haylie, got the idea to start an online Christian magazine written by teenage girls sometime last year, and I was lucky enough to be asked on as one of the regular writers. Our first column came out last October, so we've been at this for nearly a year now. So far, we have 55 followers, but I know we can do better than that!
Take a look at the mag, follow it, like it, let us know what you think!
Fall is...er, Falling!
Finally, the weather is starting to cool down and the trees are starting to change into their fiery autumn clothes. Fall is my favorite time of the year. And not just because of my birthday.
I love how the air is just cool enough for a light jacket. How the leaves can be so many colors at once on the tress. How the breeze seems to have a certain autumn scent that brings a sort of melancholy feel to everything. To me, fall is the perfect type of weather. It's sad that it lasts for such a short time.
Also, fall is the perfect time for...PHOTO SHOOTS! The scenery is just spectacular if you're wanting to do an on-location shoot, and that's exactly what I'm wanting. I've finally found this neat little farm house not too far from where I live that might be a great place for the shoot I have in mind. If everything goes according to plan, I'll be introducing my "models" within a week or two!
An Upside Down Day
This past weekend, I went to an amusement park with 7 of my friends, along with my parents and aunt. We had a blast, and I thought I'd share some of the photos from that day.
First off, let me go ahead and tell you that we went on all of the rides. ALL of them.
The scary ones that about made me pee my pants...
The ones that weren't scary at all...
We even rode the Carosel. Don't judge.
All in all, we all had fun. We spent nearly the whole day in the park, and by the time we left I had screamed so much that my throat hurt (I think most of my friends were surprised by how loud I can scream since I'm usually such a quiet person).
I think we may even try to go again before the park closes down, since we all had such great fun and we have 5 tickets left over. If we do, I'll make sure to get more pictures...as proof for how truly crazy we all are. Seriously.
First off, let me go ahead and tell you that we went on all of the rides. ALL of them.
The scary ones that about made me pee my pants...
This thing went ridiculously high, and it was simply held down by bungee cords. Probably not the safest thing ever.
And this one went upside down way too many times.
This one actually had no buckles or restraints even though it spun around in the air. But it was rather boring. Go figure.
We even rode the Carosel. Don't judge.
I think we had way too much fun on this ride. :D
I think we may even try to go again before the park closes down, since we all had such great fun and we have 5 tickets left over. If we do, I'll make sure to get more pictures...as proof for how truly crazy we all are. Seriously.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Lady in Red
I've been quite busy this summer, what with work and writing. About a month ago, I actually got my wisdom teeth out, so that gave me a little reprieve from work--
It also made me think everything was hilarious and I was incapable of intelligible speech for about three days, but let's not dwell on that, yeah?
After regaining my will to do anything besides passing out and wondering why I couldn't feel my face, I went back to my life, which consists of work, reading, writing, and...work. And photography, of course! I finally got some time to walk around outside and snap some more photos, harassing the local wildlife and such.
It also made me think everything was hilarious and I was incapable of intelligible speech for about three days, but let's not dwell on that, yeah?
After regaining my will to do anything besides passing out and wondering why I couldn't feel my face, I went back to my life, which consists of work, reading, writing, and...work. And photography, of course! I finally got some time to walk around outside and snap some more photos, harassing the local wildlife and such.
I love that posterized effect.
Now that the weather's gotten nicer (today was actually COLD!), I think I'll be having that photo shoot pretty soon. I received my reflector in the mail the other day, so I'm all set. Now I just need to set the day and time.
But before I have that much-anticipated photo shoot, I'll probably--maybe--post some photos of me and my friends. I'll be going to a theme park--wait. Is that what it's called? A theme park? Or is it...an amusement park? Yeah, I think that's it. So I'll be going to an amusement park next weekend, and I hope to get some pictures of my family and closest friends having fun. So I might just post some of the photos on here.
And I suppose that's all for now, my followers.
Oooh, my followers. Sounds rather...evil, in a way, doesn't it? Muahahaha.
Uh, yeah.
new pics
Thursday, August 18, 2011
It's Official: I Have Models!
Alright. So the past few weeks, I've been despairing over the fact that I really don't have anyone that I can take pictures of whenever I need to and that I don't have any siblings around the house that I can force to pose. But now that problem has been fixed, and I am very relieved that I actually found somebody--actually, TWO people to be my models.
Since the weather has been so unbearably hot lately, I've decided to put off the first photo shoot at least until sometime next month in the hopes that it will have cooled down enough for everyone involved in the shoot to not be melting in the sun. Because melting subjects are not pretty subjects. I would assume.
Coming Soon:
Two New Models!!
(Isn't that exciting?!)
Have I made it apparent yet just how happy I am to finally have some solid subjects for my photos? I mean, like, subjects that aren't animals?! Another good thing is that they're actually some friends of mine, so at least it won't be weird during the first shoot. Hopefully. Or maybe it will be, since I'll probably come off as a little bossy by telling them how to stand and to NOT LOOK AT THE CAMERA when I need them not to, and to turn their heads just so...
Well, they'll just have to get over it. At least I'll be bossy in a nice way.
Noticed how I've not mentioned these "models'" names? Well, that's because I want to reveal their names with their photos, just to add a little more suspense for you. HA.
Now, I just need to learn how to drive my dad's '66 Dodge pick-up without wrecking in a ditch*, and I'll be set!
(*Just to make it clear, I have not wrecked said pick-up into a ditch. Yet. But I'll likely need it for the first photo shoot, so it'd probably be good if I could continue to avoid that.)
Since the weather has been so unbearably hot lately, I've decided to put off the first photo shoot at least until sometime next month in the hopes that it will have cooled down enough for everyone involved in the shoot to not be melting in the sun. Because melting subjects are not pretty subjects. I would assume.
Coming Soon:
Two New Models!!
(Isn't that exciting?!)
Have I made it apparent yet just how happy I am to finally have some solid subjects for my photos? I mean, like, subjects that aren't animals?! Another good thing is that they're actually some friends of mine, so at least it won't be weird during the first shoot. Hopefully. Or maybe it will be, since I'll probably come off as a little bossy by telling them how to stand and to NOT LOOK AT THE CAMERA when I need them not to, and to turn their heads just so...
Well, they'll just have to get over it. At least I'll be bossy in a nice way.
Noticed how I've not mentioned these "models'" names? Well, that's because I want to reveal their names with their photos, just to add a little more suspense for you. HA.
Now, I just need to learn how to drive my dad's '66 Dodge pick-up without wrecking in a ditch*, and I'll be set!
(*Just to make it clear, I have not wrecked said pick-up into a ditch. Yet. But I'll likely need it for the first photo shoot, so it'd probably be good if I could continue to avoid that.)
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Couple Portraits
Just the other day, I had the opportunity to photograph my cousin Mark and his new wife Toni. They're such a sweet couple, and I really liked the way their photos turned out.
Also, here lately I've been trying to find some full-time models that I can take out to on-location photo shoots whenever I need to. Here's to hoping the search is successful! *crosses fingers*
Also, here lately I've been trying to find some full-time models that I can take out to on-location photo shoots whenever I need to. Here's to hoping the search is successful! *crosses fingers*
Thursday, June 9, 2011
More Pics to Come...Hopefully, Soon!
Yeah. I was looking through some of the pictures I've put up on this blog, and I realized I've not updated them in a while. And I have lots of new photos I'd like to show you!
Seeing that I have a terribly slow computer, though, I'll have to wait until I have some extra time on my hands until I can get those new pictures put up on here. Be patient, my non-existent readers! I shall get them up soon! I hope. If I don't, I give you permission to yell at me. In Italian. Because Italian is awesome. ^_^
Seeing that I have a terribly slow computer, though, I'll have to wait until I have some extra time on my hands until I can get those new pictures put up on here. Be patient, my non-existent readers! I shall get them up soon! I hope. If I don't, I give you permission to yell at me. In Italian. Because Italian is awesome. ^_^
Friday, June 3, 2011
Almost Near the End
It's strange. I started writing my book series nearly 5 years ago and now-- after all this time and effort, editing and re-editing, shaping and re-shaping my characters--I'm almost through with the last book. I suppose I should be jubilant...but, really, I just feel like I won't know what to do once I've written out the last scene. I've been with these characters for ages, grown to love and know them, and pretty soon I'll be done writing their story. I'll no longer have to worry about how they'll survive one day to the next, if they'll develop the way they should be developing...I'll most likely move onto new characters.
But, in a way, my first characters will always have a special meaning to me. They were there when I first got the idea to start writing a book. They invaded my dreams and helped me power through my writer's block. They even told me what they were going to do when I had a very different idea for them(Zeke and Curran being the most persistent of the lot :).
Perhaps this sounds strange to those of you who are reading this post that have never before written a book. Maybe you're starting to think I'm a little crazy. Or that it's a good thing I don't speak very often.
If so, then I have two things to say to you.
One: Sometimes I wonder if I am, in fact, a little crazy*.
Two: Hey!
I know that I'll be finishing this book within the year. I may be done by the end of summer or it may take me all the way till Christmas to get that last chapter finished, but I know it will get done. I'm looking forward to seeing how everything turns out for each of my characters; I really hope they don't make a mess of it all. Because, of course, I'm just the one doing the writing. They're the ones making the story.
And when I do end up writing that last word and putting down that last end point, I'll probably sigh gently and read over the last few paragraphs, sadly happy that I've finally managed to get their story told. Then I'll shut down my computer and go to bed--because I most always finish a book at a ridiculously late hour.
It'll only be in the morning that I'll fully realize I'm through with my last book of the series and that my characters will now be living their lives without me to write it all out.
And I have no idea what I'll do then.
*Because, really, who gets surprised when a fictional character "decides" to do something you had no idea about? Oh, that's right! Me.*
But, in a way, my first characters will always have a special meaning to me. They were there when I first got the idea to start writing a book. They invaded my dreams and helped me power through my writer's block. They even told me what they were going to do when I had a very different idea for them(Zeke and Curran being the most persistent of the lot :).
Perhaps this sounds strange to those of you who are reading this post that have never before written a book. Maybe you're starting to think I'm a little crazy. Or that it's a good thing I don't speak very often.
If so, then I have two things to say to you.
One: Sometimes I wonder if I am, in fact, a little crazy*.
Two: Hey!
I know that I'll be finishing this book within the year. I may be done by the end of summer or it may take me all the way till Christmas to get that last chapter finished, but I know it will get done. I'm looking forward to seeing how everything turns out for each of my characters; I really hope they don't make a mess of it all. Because, of course, I'm just the one doing the writing. They're the ones making the story.
And when I do end up writing that last word and putting down that last end point, I'll probably sigh gently and read over the last few paragraphs, sadly happy that I've finally managed to get their story told. Then I'll shut down my computer and go to bed--because I most always finish a book at a ridiculously late hour.
It'll only be in the morning that I'll fully realize I'm through with my last book of the series and that my characters will now be living their lives without me to write it all out.
And I have no idea what I'll do then.
*Because, really, who gets surprised when a fictional character "decides" to do something you had no idea about? Oh, that's right! Me.*
Friday, May 27, 2011
I guess I'd never really thought about it, how my grandma would leave us. I mean, I knew she would pass away someday, of course...But she was such a firm part of my life, a strong woman that was always there, always loving, that I guess it just seemed like she would never have to go. That she would keep living well into my twenties, perhaps...that she would see me get married and have children.
But she did have to leave.
She was 93 years old, though you probably wouldn't have guessed it. She always had a clear mind--why, she even remembered things from her childhood! She had had nine children, had even lost three of them far too soon. She was a little thing, perhaps five feet tall in the most, with soft brown eyes and a sweet laugh that was contagious. She had a heart of gold, showing love to each and every one of her family even though our family is so huge even I can't keep everyone straight. Her temperament was quiet and gentle. She would sit in her chair at family gatherings and listen to everyone talking around her, rubbing her little feet together absentmindedly as she did. She was the kindest, loveliest, most wonderful woman I have ever known. And I am glad I can say that she was my Gran.
I'm a lot like her in so many ways. I look almost exactly like she did when she was younger; I'm quiet and laid back like her; I even rub my feet together just like she did. So, for many reasons, I always felt so close to her. I felt like I could understand her since we were so much alike.
And so when she passed on, I felt like a part of me had been taken away. Because, truly, she was a part of me.
Her youngest son--my uncle--preached at her funeral, and at one point he said, "One thing Mother always said was let it go. She was not one to get terribly upset over something, to hold a grudge, because she knew how to let things like that go. And I think if she could, she would tell us to let it go."
She wouldn't want us to cry over her or to dwell on our sadness. She would want us to remember the good times we spent with her and to know that she is far better off now. It's easy for me to remember all the good memories of Gran, because those are the only memories I have--good ones. Like how she used to cook chocolate gravy for breakfast because she knew that was mine and my dad's favorite, how she held her hand over her mouth and jiggled when she laughed at something, how she hugged me tightly for as long as I wanted whenever I wanted someone to hug...I'll always have those memories of her.
It's hard to think she's truly gone. It's only been a week since she left, and tears still feel my eyes whenever I think about it. But I'm not mad or upset with God at all, though my friends have told me that He would understand if I was. I'm not, because I know that Gran is with Him now and that she is laughing and dancing with Him, no longer in pain. I'm so happy for her, even though I miss her so much already. And I'll miss her the rest of my life, but at least I can look forward to seeing her again.
And when I do, I'm going to wrap my arms around her and hug her for at least a century.
Friday, April 8, 2011
A Petition from...my characters??
So, as I told you in my last post, I am now writing a script (I can't pause to think about that very long or I might just implode). Every week, I am sent a pep-talk from one of the many people that have made this Script Frenzy of April possible. Oh, did I forget to mention that I am trying to write a whole script in the month of April? I actually wrote a whole novel in November, but a script?
I'm already halfway through. :)
Anyway, here is this week's pep-talk. I thoroughly enjoyed it because, according to Chris Baty (the man who sent it), this is a letter of petition from my characters. They must be too scared to ask me themselves, since I am a bit crazy from all of the plot-building right now.
1) They would like to wear capes more often. (This one seems negotiable.)
2) They sense that you are starting to struggle with them a little bit, and they swear that by page 30, they will be more interesting (and funnier!). They've really just been finding their footing this first week, and now that they're loosened up, they promise to blow your mind. Razzle-dazzle! Jazz hands! It's all coming your way this week.
3) {Illegible} (Dinosaurs? Binoculars? I can't really read this one.)
4) They would like to hang out with you this weekend. No pressure! And just for 10 pages or so. They say they have a surprise waiting for you.
5) Your main character would like to let you know that the on-set catering company you've hired to feed them puts out deli trays that frequetly skimp on the ham.
6) Your minor characters suggest that if you want to kill someone off this week, it would be MUCH more unexpected and powerful to kill off your main character.
7) The whole cast wants to express the fact that they love you, and that you are pretty much their only hope for playing a part in a completed script, and that playing a part in a completed script is something they've dreamed about since they were kids. Back then, their parents discouraged them from hanging around writers, saying it would lead to nothing but heartbreak. But look at them now! They're in a script that will be completed THIS MONTH! It's such a dream come true, and they can't thank you enough. Again, no pressure.
8) In closing, your main character would like to repeat the point about the ham.
Signed by: My (demanding) characters.
Yeah, no pressure there.
P.S. If you would like to join Screnzy, go to this link: scriptfrenzy.org
Join the mad writers. We have coffee. ;)
I'm already halfway through. :)
Anyway, here is this week's pep-talk. I thoroughly enjoyed it because, according to Chris Baty (the man who sent it), this is a letter of petition from my characters. They must be too scared to ask me themselves, since I am a bit crazy from all of the plot-building right now.
1) They would like to wear capes more often. (This one seems negotiable.)
2) They sense that you are starting to struggle with them a little bit, and they swear that by page 30, they will be more interesting (and funnier!). They've really just been finding their footing this first week, and now that they're loosened up, they promise to blow your mind. Razzle-dazzle! Jazz hands! It's all coming your way this week.
3) {Illegible} (Dinosaurs? Binoculars? I can't really read this one.)
4) They would like to hang out with you this weekend. No pressure! And just for 10 pages or so. They say they have a surprise waiting for you.
5) Your main character would like to let you know that the on-set catering company you've hired to feed them puts out deli trays that frequetly skimp on the ham.
6) Your minor characters suggest that if you want to kill someone off this week, it would be MUCH more unexpected and powerful to kill off your main character.
7) The whole cast wants to express the fact that they love you, and that you are pretty much their only hope for playing a part in a completed script, and that playing a part in a completed script is something they've dreamed about since they were kids. Back then, their parents discouraged them from hanging around writers, saying it would lead to nothing but heartbreak. But look at them now! They're in a script that will be completed THIS MONTH! It's such a dream come true, and they can't thank you enough. Again, no pressure.
8) In closing, your main character would like to repeat the point about the ham.
Signed by: My (demanding) characters.
Yeah, no pressure there.
P.S. If you would like to join Screnzy, go to this link: scriptfrenzy.org
Join the mad writers. We have coffee. ;)
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
My Unpredictable Muse
I love to write. It's just something I do, something that's a part of me. Whenever I have free time, you'll most likely find me writing out notes for ideas I have, or writing in one of my books I currently have in progress. Yes, I have more than one book at the moment. I've finished two just this past year, and I have about five others that I've started. Crazy, I know. But I blame it all on my muse.
Because just when I get comfortable in one of my books, I get an idea for another. And, usually, I can't just lay that idea to the side and wait until I have time (or, heaven forbid, I've actually finished a book) to lay it out. No, I have to set aside what I'm doing at the moment--even if I'm in the middle of writing a very crucial scene in the last book of a series--and start fleshing out that new idea. So that's how I came to have five books in the making. Sometimes I really hate my muse.
You see, I am in the middle of writing the final book in a series, so I've been spending a lot of my time plotting out how it's all going to wrap up and which characters are going to play the most important parts...And just the other day, Muse had to butt in and say, "Hey, how about I give you another idea?". And of course I couldn't refuse. So now I have another book idea--but it gets even better.
Not only is this new idea good for a book, for some reason I had to go and decide to write out the script version. You know, as in movie script, which I have never before tried to write.
Why?! Can't I just for once finish a book without getting distracted along the way??
So now, when I should be pushing my oldest characters closer to their Happily Ever After (Sort of), I'm instead writing a script for an action/adventure movie. And I'm actually enjoying it, which in no way helps that little voice in the back of mind that keeps reminding me about my important book I should be giving all my attention.
Here's a quote I think sums it all up quite nicely:
"Authors: Even the sane ones are nuts."
I agree wholeheartedly.
Because just when I get comfortable in one of my books, I get an idea for another. And, usually, I can't just lay that idea to the side and wait until I have time (or, heaven forbid, I've actually finished a book) to lay it out. No, I have to set aside what I'm doing at the moment--even if I'm in the middle of writing a very crucial scene in the last book of a series--and start fleshing out that new idea. So that's how I came to have five books in the making. Sometimes I really hate my muse.
You see, I am in the middle of writing the final book in a series, so I've been spending a lot of my time plotting out how it's all going to wrap up and which characters are going to play the most important parts...And just the other day, Muse had to butt in and say, "Hey, how about I give you another idea?". And of course I couldn't refuse. So now I have another book idea--but it gets even better.
Not only is this new idea good for a book, for some reason I had to go and decide to write out the script version. You know, as in movie script, which I have never before tried to write.
Why?! Can't I just for once finish a book without getting distracted along the way??
So now, when I should be pushing my oldest characters closer to their Happily Ever After (Sort of), I'm instead writing a script for an action/adventure movie. And I'm actually enjoying it, which in no way helps that little voice in the back of mind that keeps reminding me about my important book I should be giving all my attention.
Here's a quote I think sums it all up quite nicely:
"Authors: Even the sane ones are nuts."
I agree wholeheartedly.
Friday, February 11, 2011
A Way to Pass the Time? Get Ghostly
With all of this snow we've gotten these past two weeks, my family and I have had to stay at home more than is usual for us. It's definitely been a long two weeks. Not that I don't like being at home with my parents; I do! I love it when they're both home for the day. This last week alone we've watched movies together (some of my favorites), laughed together (which we do quite often anyway), and just had fun. But it's still hard to stay completely un-bored when at home for the whole day every day.
So a couple of days ago, I was messing around with my camera--as I tend to do when there is nothing else to do--and I got the idea that I would love to take some ghost pictures. I was home alone, so I quickly got dressed in all white, set my camera up on it's nifty tripod, then commenced running and jumping around in front of said camera like the maniac I am. And I actually got a couple of cool looking pictures, believe it or not. It also helped me pass some time rather quickly.
I also did some more ghost pictures with my mom the night afterwards, and they turned out really good. I made it where she was whole but I was a ghost beside her, all see through and just half there. So fun. I love how you can do all sorts of awesome things with photography!
I would love to put some of these ghost pictures up but my computer is acting up on me (again) and the pictures won't load. Maybe I can get them up sometime later??
But for right now, I need to get some writing done in one of my books! I'm in a very important part and I need to get it written before I forget all that I have in my head. That's happened more often than I would like to admit...:)
So a couple of days ago, I was messing around with my camera--as I tend to do when there is nothing else to do--and I got the idea that I would love to take some ghost pictures. I was home alone, so I quickly got dressed in all white, set my camera up on it's nifty tripod, then commenced running and jumping around in front of said camera like the maniac I am. And I actually got a couple of cool looking pictures, believe it or not. It also helped me pass some time rather quickly.
I also did some more ghost pictures with my mom the night afterwards, and they turned out really good. I made it where she was whole but I was a ghost beside her, all see through and just half there. So fun. I love how you can do all sorts of awesome things with photography!
I would love to put some of these ghost pictures up but my computer is acting up on me (again) and the pictures won't load. Maybe I can get them up sometime later??
But for right now, I need to get some writing done in one of my books! I'm in a very important part and I need to get it written before I forget all that I have in my head. That's happened more often than I would like to admit...:)
Friday, February 4, 2011
Snowy Snow Days
Wow! It's been a long time since I've seen so much snow! And I really can't remember a time where we could not even get out of our own driveway because of it.
I love snow. I love the way it glistens in the sunlight, the way the snowflakes land in my hair, how it crunches under my boots as I walk...I even love the way the snow makes me so cold I have to hurry back inside before my fingers freeze off! I know, I'm weird. :)
And since we got so much snow this week, I decided to bundle up and make my way outside for some pictures. Most of them were just taken to show how snowed in we were, but I guess some of them might be pretty. You be the judge, okay?
This was what the view from my porch was during the "blizzard".
I zoomed in on some little birds pecking around on the ground, too, because there were several of them and they were, well, cute. :)
I took this one of Jake when I was warming up inside...Maybe that's why he looks so sad.
Don't let those sweet, brown eyes fool you, folks. This dog is not as innocent as he appears. Do I need to put up the picture I took of him chewing the nozzel of our yard hose to pieces?
How wonderful. A dead plant covered with snow.
Aw, man, my shoes are untied! It's a miracle I didn't trip and fling my camera into the snow.
I love snow. I love the way it glistens in the sunlight, the way the snowflakes land in my hair, how it crunches under my boots as I walk...I even love the way the snow makes me so cold I have to hurry back inside before my fingers freeze off! I know, I'm weird. :)
And since we got so much snow this week, I decided to bundle up and make my way outside for some pictures. Most of them were just taken to show how snowed in we were, but I guess some of them might be pretty. You be the judge, okay?
This was what the view from my porch was during the "blizzard".
I zoomed in on some little birds pecking around on the ground, too, because there were several of them and they were, well, cute. :)
I took this one of Jake when I was warming up inside...Maybe that's why he looks so sad.
Don't let those sweet, brown eyes fool you, folks. This dog is not as innocent as he appears. Do I need to put up the picture I took of him chewing the nozzel of our yard hose to pieces?
How wonderful. A dead plant covered with snow.
Aw, man, my shoes are untied! It's a miracle I didn't trip and fling my camera into the snow.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Picture Frenzy
I'm actually in a photography class with some of my homeschool friends, and every week our teacher gives us an assignment for what kinds of pictures she wants us to take for the week. One of the assignments for this week is a landscape picture, which I love to take. So after getting home from my homeschool group yesterday, I thought I'd head outside and try to get some pictures of a field that is just across from my house.
And this is when the picture frenzy began.
It was not long before I realized that my camera has excellent zooming abilities, and I was so thrilled that I decided to test just how awesome those abilities are. Let me give you an example of one of the pictures I took:
I was standing in the middle of my front yard and I heard a hawk cry out. When I looked up to see where the bird was, I was delighted when I saw it perched atop a tree about 100 yards away from me (I guess about the length of half a football field). So, standing in the same spot, I zoomed in on the hawk...and the pictures came out clear as day! You can even see his eyes!! I was excited I even did a little jig. In my front yard. In freezing weather. Where everyone could see me. And I never do happy dances.
One of the very first pictures I took was of a small house thing in a field that was about a mile away from my house. The picture is so clear, it's as if I was standing right in the field in front of the house, not in my own yard. Awesome? You bet it is!
This picture frenzy went on for about an hour and a half, complete with excited jumping up and down, and exclamations of "Oh, my gosh! This is awesome!" and "Jake, can you believe it?!" Jake is my Brittany Spaniel, and up until yesterday it was nigh on impossible to take pictures of him since he is such a hyper dog. Now all I have to do is stand about ten feet away from him when he doesn't know that I am watching him and snap as many pictures as I please. It sort of makes me feel like a stalker or something, since I have to be all sneaky. :D
All in all, it was a fabulous day. I would say Doug's word, but I believe I've used it in this post even more than Doug himself...Okay, I'll say it anyway: Awesome
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
My New Obsession :D
Rembrandt Lighting: One of my favorite types of photography. Or so I found out yesterday. These type of photos are very striking and mysterious (in my opinion), and I absolutely love taking them. If you've never heard of this sort of photography, allow me to fill you in.
Rembrandt van Rijn was a very talented painter that always depicted the subjects in his portraits with one side of their face cast in shadow, causing said subject to take on a more melancholy, darker feel. Now there is the technique of taking Rembrandt photos, which is pretty much the same thing as the paintings-just with real people. Awesome? Yes.
I suppose this sort of picture would be better suited for a man, since the shadows tend to give a harsher, or more detailed, look on the facial features. But I took some yesterday of my mom-who is so photogenic she could be a model-and they turned out wonderfully. Of course, my mom would beg to differ since she doesn't like having her picture taken, but I've told her several times that the picture is great. I think it gives her a very mysterious/elegant look. Hopefully I'll be able to persuade her to let me post it on here...It's not like very many people would see it. :p
Here is one of Rembrandt's self-portraits. See how one side of his face is shaded?
And here is a random Rembrandt picture
of a guy that looks slightly angry. Don't hurt me, mystery dude!
Rembrandt van Rijn was a very talented painter that always depicted the subjects in his portraits with one side of their face cast in shadow, causing said subject to take on a more melancholy, darker feel. Now there is the technique of taking Rembrandt photos, which is pretty much the same thing as the paintings-just with real people. Awesome? Yes.
I suppose this sort of picture would be better suited for a man, since the shadows tend to give a harsher, or more detailed, look on the facial features. But I took some yesterday of my mom-who is so photogenic she could be a model-and they turned out wonderfully. Of course, my mom would beg to differ since she doesn't like having her picture taken, but I've told her several times that the picture is great. I think it gives her a very mysterious/elegant look. Hopefully I'll be able to persuade her to let me post it on here...It's not like very many people would see it. :p
And here is a random Rembrandt picture
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Baby pictures...?
Ciao, mi'amici!
I managed to get a few candid shots of my baby nephew yesterday, though I still have not gotten around to getting any "portraits" of him, or whatever you want to call them. I'm so great at procrastinating, I should totally join a club or something! Eh, maybe later.
You know, I realized just the other day (Thursday, if you're dying to know) that even though I take tons of pictures whenever I go somewhere, I never get any shots of me in any of them. I was with some of my friends the other day, so I took a few pictures of them horsing around. When I saw my grandma later that day and she saw me with my camera, she asked me,
"You've been taking pictures?"
"Yeah, of my friends."
Then she asked, "Are you in any of them?" and I was a little surprised that she asked me this. Because, no, I had not taken the time to have somebody take a quick picture of me with my friends. This is why you have virtually no pictures of yourself, Hogan! <<That was me mentally berating myself, if you are wondering.
The other day, I was just saying to myself, I wish I had some pictures to put in these stupid frames. Stupid, because there are so many of them and they are all empty. So sad.
How did this post get from me talking about baby portraits all the way to the fact that there are no pictures of me with other people? Randomness, I tell you.
I managed to get a few candid shots of my baby nephew yesterday, though I still have not gotten around to getting any "portraits" of him, or whatever you want to call them. I'm so great at procrastinating, I should totally join a club or something! Eh, maybe later.
You know, I realized just the other day (Thursday, if you're dying to know) that even though I take tons of pictures whenever I go somewhere, I never get any shots of me in any of them. I was with some of my friends the other day, so I took a few pictures of them horsing around. When I saw my grandma later that day and she saw me with my camera, she asked me,
"You've been taking pictures?"
"Yeah, of my friends."
Then she asked, "Are you in any of them?" and I was a little surprised that she asked me this. Because, no, I had not taken the time to have somebody take a quick picture of me with my friends. This is why you have virtually no pictures of yourself, Hogan! <<That was me mentally berating myself, if you are wondering.
The other day, I was just saying to myself, I wish I had some pictures to put in these stupid frames. Stupid, because there are so many of them and they are all empty. So sad.
How did this post get from me talking about baby portraits all the way to the fact that there are no pictures of me with other people? Randomness, I tell you.
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